Panda, Tortoise, Monkey, Leopard, Viper, Duck, Tiger... well, it's the animal kingdom in action one more time and that's a usual thing with Pixar and dream work... again to teach humans. We meet Po the rounded loving Panda in that traditional Chinese decor among Chinese pots and plates. Po works in the family Chinese shop selling noodles.
The Panda is not quite happy about his actual situation, he has a strong taste for martial art and dreams of being a dragon warrior. When he is alone he seizes the opportunity to dream; visualizing himself as the dragon warrior in his world far away from pots and noodles. His unusual father, the duck, has something different in mind though. Father duck wants Po to work in the family noodle shop and probably take over the business one day.
But Po has chosen a different field-Dragon Warrior. May be that's what has been bestowed on him after all that's why he has developed a passion for it. Now his heart is inclined to that particular passion and he has a mission to fulfill. However he does not deceive his father. He continues to sell noodles, and carries on dreaming and awaits for the favorable moment.
The favorable moment does come though. Inside a courtyard, not far from the noodle shop, a fight tournament is taking place among the furious five, and Po of course does not want to miss that. He therefore sets off to the courtyard and makes it on time to get inside and the gate closes up seconds before he gets in. Against all odds, he is determined to assist the fight matches taking place there. After a series of acrobat trials, Po finally reveals some of his personal skills. He builds on the spot a sort of rocket chair which sends him up in the air and throw him in the courtyard. It worked and Po finds himself face to face with Master Oogway the tortoise. He is immediately spotted by the latter as the future Dragon Warrior to the dismay of the other warriors present. Po himself is bewildered by the announcement as he was not expecting that. He is however applauded by a cheerful audience expressing their approval.
Begins for him a series of hard training and discipline. Right from the beginning Master Shifu, Po's trainer makes it clear that he will learn their ways if he wants to be the future Dragon Warrior. Po is then introduced to some deadly training field. The training will be conducted by actions and words of encouragement. Trust will have to be built here for Po to succeed.
Gossip goes around about his fat body and incompetence to demoralize him but Master Oogway points it to him that to succeed, he will have to seize the present opportunity and keep focus. Oogway sees that Po is "too concerned about "what was and what will be". He reminds him that "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but to day is a gift" therefore he has to make the most of it...
In front of adversary, in the middle of trouble, and enemies coming his way, Po will have to keep going and fight to the end. His belief and good heard will bring his success.
The characters in Kung Fu Panda reflect a lot our own character as human beings. Like Po, we have dreams and passion but quite often our parents are our own obstruction thinking that their ideas or decision should speak louder than our passion. Although parents, goodhearted as they are, want the best for their children, they should allow them to choose a career they prefer. If an opportunity is offered to us, we are reluctant or lazy to face the challenge, we doubt our own abilities and retract. Master Oogway saw the ability in Po but Po was not too sure of that and even thought of going back to his usual noodle business. Introduced to the deadly training field, he is puzzled, he thought his dream would come true on garden of roses, and not the hard way. It takes courage and a good pinch of faith to achieve our goals in life.
We look like Po's father the duck; selfish in our nature to please ourselves, we have no regards to our kids feeling. We want to be happy, we want them to please us and exert pressure on them to go our way. We can't see that we make their lives hard. Our kids have the right to choose their field and live their passion.
Sometimes we are like the other warriors "furious five" who are judge mental. We based our judgement on what we see and doubt others' abilities.The other warriors gossip about Po's physical size. It's a fact that Po's physical appearance has something to do with being a future warrior. He is fat and struggle to move easily but his determination to succeed is strong.
We are like the enemy figures who are not happy to see others succeed. We get jealous and stand on the way of others. We do and say all sorts of things to destroy the dream of others. We are those who are miserable to see others happy and happy to see others miserable. Tai Lung is the enemy standing in the way of Po to prevent him going forward in life and if possible destroys him completely.
In Kung Fu Panda,we've been presented by different characters of our own present society. Gossipers who always critisize others, enemies who are not happy to see others succeed or the good Master Oogway with a good heart to help.
Who do we want to be?
How many among us reflect Master Oogway who encourages Po to go forward, who builds trust and self confidence in others; who tends a helping hand and utter words of encouragement in hopeless moment. Who bring others to see the ability in them and to use it...?